Hours after recommending dissolution of the Telangana assembly, Chief Minister K Chandrasekar Rao launched a tirade against Congress President Rahul Gandhi calling him ‘the biggest buffoon in the country.’

Rahul Gandhi

Speaking to reporters, KCR said, “Everyone knows what Rahul Gandhi is…Biggest buffoon. He’s the biggest buffoon in the country. Whole country has seen how he went to Mr Narendra Modi in the open assembly and hugged him, the way he is winking.”

KCR also said that the Congress was scared of facing the voters. This was in response to a question related the reaction to the news of Telangana Governor dissolving the state assembly.

The Congress hit back calling KCR a ‘hitler.’ The party’s RC Khuntia said, “If Rahul Gandhi’s visit (to Telangana) helps him (KCR) increase his votes, then this is good. Rahul Gandhi will visit (Telangana) time and again and help him increase his votes. He’s the biggest buffoon. He’s a dictator more than Hitler. A person, who has come from a movement, denies others from holding a dharna at Indira Chowk in Hyderabad.”

Khuntia also accused KCR of promoting his family. This comes after Rahul’s recent statement calling Telangana the ‘capital of corruption.’

Experts believe that one of the reasons why KCR has decided to not complete his full term in office is to avoid a direct showdown with Rahul in 2019 Lok Sabha elections. Had he completed his full term, the next assembly polls in Telangana would have taken place alongside the parliamentary polls.

Many pundits had speculated that Rao was keen to dissolve the state assembly to advance the election to coincide with the November-December polls in Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Mizoram.

“Everyone knows that Rahul Gandhi is biggest buffoon in the country”

from Janta Ka Reporter 3.0 https://ift.tt/2NYGB00
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