Mira Rajput and Shahid Kapoor have named their second child Zain Kapoor. Their first child, a daughter, is Misha, who turned two last month.

Zain Kapoor

Taking to Twitter, Shahid said, “Zain Kapoor is here and we feel complete. Thank you for all the wishes and blessings. We are overjoyed and so grateful. Love to all.”

Shahid declaration that his family was complete came hours after his father Pankaj Kapur made the similar announcement. Pankaj Kapur had told Republic TV, “I am very delighted that a new bundle of joy has come to our house. A baby being born in any house is a matter of sheer joy and excitement. Similarly, it is a moment of joy for our family and as the grandfather of the newborn, I am delighted and very proud of my family. I wish Shahid and Mira all the very best and many congratulations.”

Mira gave birth to her second child at Hinduja Hospital on Wednesday evening.

Fans of Shahid Kapoor are loving the name for the baby boy. One fan wrote, “We love Zain Kapoor, can’t wait to see him.” Another fan wrote, “This is the best name๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ I can’t express how happy i am.” “Yooooo Zain Baby Rocks,” commented another fan.

Mira Rajput and Shahid Kapoor name their second child Zain Kapoor

from Janta Ka Reporter 3.0 https://ift.tt/2NnzGki
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