It alleged that the exclusion is "politically motivated and ideologically biased"

CAB which is now CAA planned and pro-Hindutva: Advocacy group

NEW DELHI: The Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sanghathan, an organisation that works for the Right to Information (RTI) and other schemes, on Friday lashed out at the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill which has now become a law.

Violates equality

Calling the Citizenship (Amendment) Act “planned”, the MKSS alleged that it violates equality.

“The exclusion of Muslims, by enabling the expedited citizenship of only undocumented Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis or Christians, is an insult to the intent of the Constitution and the objectives of the constituent assembly,” said the organisation in a press statement.

Politically motivated & ideologically biased

It alleged that the exclusion is “politically motivated and ideologically biased”.

The organisation went on to claim that a refugee policy cannot be selective to either country or religious communities. It said that “The Indian state’s treatment of Rohingya Muslims is a clear demonstration of the flaws of this policy, and the hypocrisy of claiming to provide relief and support to all groups persecuted on the basis of religion.”


Bringing in the RSS, the BJP’s ideological mentor, it alleged that “We believe that the Citizenship Amendment legislation compromises the integrity of democracy and promotes an RSS driven pro-Hindutva agenda.”

It expressed the hope that the country’s apex court will step in with judicial intervention as far as this Act is concerned.

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