Filmmaker Anurag Kashyap has taken a potshot at Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan for his silence on the recent government brutality against protesters. Kashyap sarcastically asked Bachchan to take care of his health promising to deal with the modern-day Gabbars, Lions and Shakals. 

Amitabh Bachchan

It all started with Bachchan extending New Year greetings to everyone by writing, “Only few days left for the arrival of the new year. But, no need to worry. It’s only a matter of 19-20.”

Pat came a sarcasm-laden reply from Kashyap, who wrote, “This time, it’s not a matter of 19 and 20 sir. The difference this time is huge. For now, you take care of your health.You had done your bit in the 70s (by taking on the evils in films as an angry young man). Since then, we are carrying the real Bachchan within us. This time, we will deal with everyone whether that is Gabbar or Shakal or Lion.”

Gabbar, Shakal and Lion were famous on-screen villains in the 70s.

Fearing condemnation from fans on his silence of the ongoing police brutality against university students across the country, Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan had recently taken shelter behind a famous quote. But his justification to not speak up on police crackdown against peaceful students in Jamia Millia Islamia University and AMU have found no takers.

Bachchan had written on Twitter, “Before you criticise someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticise them, you are a mile away from them .. and you have their shoes !!”

This was widely seen as his desperate attempts to preempt criticism for not speaking out against the government since he was known to be quite vocal against the Congress-led UPA government at the Centre in the past.

Bachchan used to be extremely vocal in his criticism for the then Congress government headed by Manmohan Singh. He along with other stars such as Akshay Kumar has refused to criticise the current government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Several Bollywood personalities such as Anurag Kashyap, Anubhav Sinha, Manoj Vajpayee, Huma Qureshi, Richa Chadha, Sidharth Malhotra and Varun Grover have condemned the campus violence by police in Jamia Millia Islamia and Aligarh Muslim University. However, bigger names in the industry have chosen to look the other way for mysterious reasons.

Instead of taking a stand, actor Akshay Kumar was caught endorsing a tweet by a vicious Hindutva troll on celebrating the violence against Jamia students. Akshay had to issue a clarification later stating that he had liked the controversial tweet by mistake.  

Actor Renuka Shahane had held up a mirror to Prime Minister Narendra Modi by reminding him about the presence of the tukde tukde gang within his party’s IT Cell.

Students across the country have been facing police brutality in the last few days. They are protesting the Citizenship Amendment Bill aimed at giving automatic citizenship to every single illegal immigrant living in India except Muslims. Experts say that the BJP will declare millions of Indian Muslims stateless by bringing the controversial NRC, a controversial process through which a citizen has to prove that he or she is an Indian.

More recently, police in Yogi Adityanath’s Uttar Pradesh have been accused of carrying out unspeakable brutality against Muslims by storming their houses, inflicting atrocities and looting their valuables. The Delhi Police, which reports to Home Minister Amit Shah, too faced similar allegations of human rights violations and religious profiling of Muslims.

You take care of your health, we will deal with Gabbar, Lion and Shakal: Anurag Kashyap brutally trolls Amitabh Bachchan for silence against government brutality
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