Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has said that the army should be called in to control the law and order situation in the national capital after the death toll in the ongoing carnage reached 20. Kejriwal said that he was writing to ‘Hon’ble Home Minister’ Amit Shah ‘to this effect.’
Kejriwal tweeted, “I have been in touch wid large no of people whole nite. Situation alarming. Police, despite all its efforts, unable to control situation and instil confidence Army shud be called in and curfew imposed in rest of affected areas immediately Am writing to Hon’ble HM to this effect.”
I have been in touch wid large no of people whole nite. Situation alarming. Police, despite all its efforts, unable to control situation and instil confidence
Army shud be called in and curfew imposed in rest of affected areas immediately
Am writing to Hon’ble HM to this effect
— Arvind Kejriwal (@ArvindKejriwal) February 26, 2020
In a separate tweet, Kejriwal wrote, “Met with victims of violence being treated at the GTB Hospital and Max Hospital. Hindus, Muslims, policemen – none have escaped unhurt.. this madness must end immediately.”
Kejriwal has faced flak for his inaction even when Delhi burnt. Many questioned why a politician, who made his political fortune from street activism had not visited the affected areas yet.
His latest appeal came after a large group of people consisting of students from the JNU and the Jamia Millia Islamia University staged protests outside his house overnight.
At least 20 people have died in the ongoing violence in Delhi after BJP’s Kapil Sharma threatened to take law into his own hands if police failed to disperse the anti-CAA protesters from various streets in Delhi. Three journalists from NDTV were ‘badly attacked’ on Tuesday and were only left after they said that they were Hindus.
A mosque in Ashok Nagar was vandalised as Hindutva terrorists climbed atop a minaret and hoisted a saffron flag.
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