Celebrity makeup artist Loveleen Ramchandani on Friday gave us a sneak peek at another impressive fashion statement by Nita Ambani’s daughter-in-law Shloka Mehta as Akash Ambani’s wife reportedly attended a pre-wedding function of Radhika Merchant’s sister Anjali. While doing so, Loveleen also revealed that aside from Akash and Isha Ambani, the affable Ambani daughter-in-law too had made her social media debut and held a private Instagram account with likes of actress Priyanka Chopra and Karan Johar following her.

Shloka Mehta

Loveleen shared three photos of Shloka, taken from three different angles. Shloka had opted for pink and mustard-coloured lehenga with a matching choli. Covering her dupatta and lehenga was a metallic kamarband. This new fashion statement is surely going to find plenty of takers in India. Aside from kamarband, Shloka also chose to flaunt bangles, her signature emerald necklace and matching earrings. With hair pulled back, Shloka completed her makeup with a simple lipstick as she posed for the camera.

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💗💓💗 @shloka11 💗💓💗 #makeupbyloveleen #hairbyloveleen

A post shared by Loveleen Ramchandani (@loveleen_makeupandhair) on

While sharing the photos, Loveleen did not write any caption but informed her fans that she was responsible for Shloka’s makeup and styling her hair. She wrote, “💗💓💗 @shloka11 💗💓💗 #makeupbyloveleen #hairbyloveleen.” Once again, Shloka looked nothing less than a bride herself.

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💞 @shloka11 💞 #makeupbyloveleen #hairbyloveleen

A post shared by Loveleen Ramchandani (@loveleen_makeupandhair) on

Earlier this month, Shloka’s makeup artist, Arti Nayar, who prepared her for Armaan Jain’s wedding, had revealed the steps she took to achieve her stunning look for the occasion. In an Instagram post, Arti had explained in detail every single step taken by her to pull off the mesmerising look for Shloka.

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💗💓💗 @shloka11 💗💓💗 #makeupbyloveleen #hairbyloveleen

A post shared by Loveleen Ramchandani (@loveleen_makeupandhair) on

Coming back to Shloka’s Instagram account, she has now joined her husband and sister-in-law to exist on the Facebook-owned photo-sharing social media platform. Earlier, thanks to fashion designer Sabyasachi that we learnt about the existence of Akash and Isha on Instagram.

Among those following Isha Ambani included Alia Bhatt, Priyanka Chopra and Shahid Kapoor’s wife Mira Rajput. As for Akash Ambani, many top Bollywood names such as Alia Bhatt, Priyanka Chopra and Ranveer Singh follow the Ambani heir on Instagram. Like Akash and Isha, Shloka too has kept her account private. Her bio reads, “And those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.” Shloka’s account also prominently carries the website of her volunteering platform ‘ConnectFor.’

Revealed! After Akash and Isha Ambani, Shloka Mehta too owns private Instagram account as Priyanka Chopra and Karan Johar follow Nita Ambani’s daughter-in-law

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