Kapil Sharma has often targeted Archana Puran Singh by jokingly accusing her of carrying crocodiles to commute between Mumbai city and the Madh Island. An old video of Archana, who appears on The Kapil Sharma Show as its judge, proving her host wrong by producing stunning video evidence has gone viral now. Archan shot the video using a mobile camera as she returned home to Madh Island. Although Archana had shared the video on 14 February, this has gone viral now, just days after Kapil was left speechless by Bharti Singh’s one-liner when she made an unusual appearance on her own show as a guest to promote her new TV show, India’s Best Dancer.
In the video, Archana is seen giving a sneak peek at her commute between Mumbai and Madh Island. At one point she is heard saying, “Kapil keeps saying that I take crocodiles with me. Not true, I come using a boat and I properly pay Rs 10 each (for one way journey).”
As seen in Archana’s stunning video, it takes Archana exactly four minutes from the time she boards the boat till she jumps into her own car on the Madh side.
Archana’s fans were quick to applaud her for her simplicity. What appeared to touch most of her fans was the scene where Archana was seen paying Rs 20 the journey of herself and her driver. One fan wrote, “Thanks for such lovely insta stories.. never stop doing this stories..
U r kind & a wonderful human & really respect you.” “You’re so down to earth,” wrote another one.
The last time Kapil had cracked the crocodile joke at Archana was on 19 January when Kangana Ranaut and Richa Chadha appeared on The Kapil Sharma Show. Kapil had jokingly told Kangana that Archana often carried two crocodiles every time she travelled from Madh Island. He had added that Archana had two adopted crocodiles and she often kept them in a purse after squeezing water out of them. He had also gone on to narrate an imaginary incident where Archana was riding a crocodile when she decided to have a racing competition with her friend on a boat.
Last week, a video of Bharti Singh leaving Archana and Kapil speechless with her funny one-liners had gone viral after Sony TV shared it on Instagram. In the video, Bharti had cracked a joke targeting Archana. Archana had later revealed all jokes aimed at her were prepared by the show”s director Bharat Kukreti.
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