Kapil Sharma is known for flirting with his female guests every time they appear on his Sony TV comedy show. However, the popular host of The Kapil Sharma Show was left a little disappointed recently when he interviewed the lead cast of Thappad. His attempt to flirt with Dia Mirza backfired as the Bollywood actress warned him of a slap all in good humour. Audience members were also in splits after Kapil wondered if Dia Mirza was tennis star Sania Mirza’s sister.
A promo broadcast by Sony TV showed Kapil attempting to flirt with Dia as he asked, “Dia, this is your first time (on my show). What would you like to have? Tea, coffee or direct flirt?” Dia replied smilingly, “You are aware of the theme (slap) of my film?”
Known for his wit, Kapil replied, “I am scared of love, not the slap madam.”
Kapil was not done yet with Dia. Later on, in the show he asked Dia if this was true that she often identified herself as tennis star Sania Mirza’s sister to obtain free passes for the Wimbledon Open.
In another promo, Krushna Abhishek, who plays the character of Sapna, was seen confessing how he had slapped a number of people to promote Thappad starring Taapsee Pannu and Dia Mirza. He also went on to add that several people were murdered in his neighbourhood to promote Mahesh Bhatt’s Murder starring Emraan Hashmi and Mallika Sherawat.
The audience members were left in splits when Krushna established a connection between Thappad director Anubhav Sinha and legendary Bollywood actor Shatrughan Sinha as he asked, “You are Anubhav Sinha ji. Shatrughan Sinha did not come?”
Krushna was, however, in for a shock as Kapil decided to crack a joke at his expense. When Krushna claimed that he too was expected to get an award when Dia was crowned Miss Asia Pacific, Kapil commented, “Yes, the moment they announced ‘And the winner is,’ his beard grew.”
The Kapil Sharma Show is known for its cast having a go at each other. Recently, Archana Puran Singh had claimed that the director of the comedy show was responsible for writing those jokes aimed at making fun of her.
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