A message circulating in the name of Chairman of Tata Group Ratan Tata is doing the rounds on social media. Bollywood actor Arshad Warsi tweeted a graphic carrying the same message on April 11, 2020. He wrote, “After all the depressing news, came across something so true and motivating. My level of respect for Mr Ratan Tata is inexplicable…” The tweet has garnered more than 1,100 retweets so far.

The message reads, “Experts are predicting huge down fall of Economy due to the Corona. I do not know much about these experts. But I know for sure that they do not know anything about the value of human motivation and determined efforts. If experts were to be believed, after the total destruction in 2nd World War Japan had NO future. BUT the same Japan in just 3 decades or so, made US cry at the market place.”

While discrediting expert opinion on the economic crisis in the post coronavirus world, the message ends with a positive note: “The corona crisis is no different. I do not have any doubt that. We will defeat the Corona hands do The Indian Economy will bounce back in a great manner.”

Bollywood actress Huma Qureshi too tweeted the same graphic but later deleted her tweet.

The graphic is also circulating on WhatsApp.


Ratan Tata took to Twitter and rubbished the message attributed to him. He said, “This post has neither been said, nor written by me. I urge you to verify media circulated on WhatsApp and social platforms. If I have something to say, I will say it on my official channels. Hope you are safe and do take care.”

A quick look at the message is sufficient to debunk its falseness. The note is replete with grammatical errors. A fake message discrediting experts suggesting a “downfall of India economy” due to the pandemic was attempted to be given credibility using Ratan Tata’s name.

The post Ratan Tata rubbishes viral message about coronavirus attributed to him on social media appeared first on Alt News.

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