Raveena Tandon has lashed out at China for barbaric practices that were responsible for the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. Raveena’s angry outbursts came days after her friend and filmmaker-choreographer Farah Khan slammed Bollywood actresses for posting workout videos during the nationwide lockdown. Elsewhere, Bharti Singh of The Kapil Sharma Show took to Instagram to inform her fans how she had shared prasad from a recent puja with her security guards. All three entertainment artists were recently in the news after several police complaints were filed against them for hurting the religious sentiments of the Christian community.
Reacting to a user’s tweet claiming that China had resumed the trade of exotic wildlife weeks after this practice led to the global pandemic of coronavirus, Raveena wrote, “Humans won’t learn their lessons,however hard the sacrifices and price to pay was. Gone back to their barbaric practices . #china worlds worst country for animal abuse and wildlife crime.”
Humans won’t learn their lessons,however hard the sacrifices and price to pay was. Gone back to their barbaric practices . #china worlds worst country for animal abuse and wildlife crime . https://t.co/mrfJElrJ0q
— Raveena Tandon (@TandonRaveena) March 30, 2020
A report by news agency ANI had said that China’s notorious ‘wet markets’ were back in business, selling bats, pangolins and dogs for human consumption. The move, according to the report, is dangerous as scientists believe that coronavirus first lurked in a bat in China and hopped to another animal, before getting passed on to humans.
The coronavirus pandemic has caused 41 deaths with more than 1600 people testing positive for the virus across India. The country has gone into a 21-day lockdown, which will end on 14 April if the government doesn’t extend the measure further.
Farah Khan was recently very angry that some of the Bollywood actresses were using the self-isolation during the current lockdown to flaunt their workout sessions. She had even threatened to unfollow those actresses if they did not stop posting their workout videos. Although, she did not name any actress, Disha Patani, Katrina Kaif and Jacqueline Fernandez were some of the actresses who had shared their dance and workout videos during the lockdown period.
Elsewhere, Bharti Singh took to Instagram to thank the security guards of her apartment saying that they hadn’t been home for the last 20 days. She wrote, “On the occasion of Ashtami, I met our building guards. They haven’t been home for the past 20 days, securing our homes and doing their duty day and night and staying in staff quarters in our building. Harsh and I decided to offer them prasad of the lil Pooja we did at home today. Thank you! #obroiesprings #famliy #jaimatadi #fightagainstcorona.”
In February, a man in Maharashtra had demanded the immediate arrest of Bharti, Raveena Tandon and Farah Khan for hurting the religious sentiments of the Christian community. Ashish Shinde had written to the Director-General of Police of Maharashtra demanding the arrest of the Bollywood actress, dance-director and the famous comedienne.
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