Tennis star Sania Mirza’s sister Anam on Thursday took to social media to describe Barkha Dutt as her favourite journalist even as the latter faced a brutal attack from former colleague Arnab Goswami for her recent coverage of migrant workers in distress. Billed as Hyderabad’s Shloka Mehta, Anam shared an Insta story by Barkha to write, “Fav journalist forever @barkha.dutt.” Goswami’s attack against Barkha came just days after he attacked Priyanka Chopra and raised questions on the Holi bash organised by Nita Ambani’s daughter Isha Ambani

Arnab Goswami

Anam’s public praise for Barkha came just days after the Republic TV founder slammed her for her recent interviews of migrant workers that allegedly portrayed the Indian government in poor light.

Attacking Barkha, the controversial Republic TV anchor said, “I wish unity to all of us for in this fight, unity, and willingness to battle everything that we are going to face together as a country and community. Therefore, I request you not to leave negativity unopposed. For those the only contribution at this challenging time is negativity must be put in their place and put in their place effectively so that they don’t infect others.”

Arnab Goswami continued with his rant aimed at his former NDTV colleague. Even though he did not name her, he left very little to imagination as he referred to Barkha’s recent interviews with migrant workers, who made desperate efforts to return home by walking hundreds of kms amidst the national lockdown. Goswami also mocked Barkha by repeatedly referring to her column in The Washington Post. 

Goswami said, “Those who want pictures of workers going home on foot to tell the world that India does not care for its poor must be called out as liars for they do like liars. Liars who spread a negative narrative to get their $500 paycheque from the corona-hit United States of America and not shout out loud with pride that our nation has announced more for the poor of this country in the economic package than any other country has.”

“In this case, what one freelance journalist did. She wrote an article saying ‘even with a few confirmed cases reported, the coronavirus is exposing the deep faultlines in Indian society’ and then others go on to say that ‘poverty may first kill us.’

Barkha is not the only person being attacked by Goswami amidst the coronavirus pandemic gripping India. Earlier, he had lashed out at actress Priyanka Chopra for attending a Holi bash organised by Mukesh and Nita Ambani’s daughter Isha at her Rs 450 crore Worli Bungalow. Among those attending the Holi celebration were Shloka Mehta, Akash Ambani and several other Bollywood stars.


Sania Mirza’s sister Anam calls Barkha Dutt her ‘favourite journalist’; Arnab Goswami attacks former NDTV colleague days after raising questions on Isha Ambani’s Holi bash
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