The Gujarat Police on Wednesday arrested former IPS officer, Sanjiv Bhatt, in a case related to false framing a lawyer in 1996. Bhatt was arrested by Gujarat Police CID (Crime) in a narcotics case lodged by the Banaskantha police in 1996 when he was the Superintendent of Police (SP) there.
Bhatt, a known critic of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, was dismissed from the service in 2015 for taking on his administration during his term as Gujarat’s chief minister for 2002 Gujarat riots. In one of his affidavits in the Supreme Court, Bhatt had accused Modi of being complicit in 2002 riots.
He is accused of framing a lawyer from Rajasthan for allegedly carrying 1.5 kg of narcotics.
Former IPS officer, Sanjiv Bhatt, arrested by Gujarat Police
from Janta Ka Reporter 3.0
via © inkPointMedia
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