The government on Thursday removed Jammu and Kashmir Director General of Police SP Vaid from his post and replaced him with Dilbag Singh, 1987 batch IPS officer and currently DGP (prisons).

SP Vaid

In a seemingly humiliating treatment, the government has transferred Vaid as Transport Commissioner, a post held by Saugat Biswas, a 2006 batch IAS officer. Sending a 1986 batch IPS officer to take up a role, held by 2006 batch IAS officer is being viewed as a punishment for Vaid.

The new development comes barely two days after the government removed Vaid’s deputy Abdul Gani Mir and replaced him with Dr B Srinivas on Tuesday.

It’s not clear what prompted the state administration, currently under Governor’s rule, to issue an order to abruptly remove the highest ranking police official in the state and send him to take up a role, held by considerably junior officer.

Last week, militants in the state had kidnapped at least eight relatives of policemen in south Kashmir. They were released only after the police released nearly a dozen immediate relatives of militants including a father of one Hizbul Mujahideen commander, Riaz Naikoo.

This was the first time, the government agencies had negotiated with militants since India released dreaded terrorists Masood Azhar, Mustaq Ahmed Zargar and Omar Sheikh in 1999 to have the passengers of IC-814 released in Afghanistan.

A report by NDTV quoted home ministry officials as saying that the release of the relatives of militants had significantly damaged the morale of the police force in the state.

Here’s how journalists viewed the development;

SP Vaid removed as Jammu and Kashmir DGP, sent on ‘punishment’ posting

from Janta Ka Reporter 3.0
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