Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has said that the police must not make it their aim to collect fines from the motorists but should instead spread awareness about road safety. He was speaking at the inauguration of the road safety awareness week at his residence here on Wednesday.

“The transport department has done a commendable job. Police must not target the motorists, rather educate and create awareness. Police must confiscate the vehicles of those who drive under the influence of alcohol. Educate the children also at the school level,” Yogi told the police here.

He said: “We must wear helmets while riding a two-wheeler and use seat belts for four-wheelers. Never drive under the influence of any intoxicant. We must follow the road safety and traffic rules. Such programmes cannot become successful without the support of the common people. If we move ahead with a good slogan on road safety, the results could be better.”

He said that traffic education must be included in the school curriculum and it is the responsibility of the education department.

Twenty five police bikers, 10 vintage cars, 100 bikers, 100 NCC cadets and about 700 school children participated in the rally organised at the road safety awareness week programme on Wednesday.


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