Refuse to give information to NPR enumerators: Mehmood Pracha

New Delhi: Supreme Court advocate Mehmood Pracha while addressing the protestors who were agitating against NPR, NRC and CAA told the citizens to refuse to furnish information to the enumerators if they come to collect information for National Population Register. There’s nothing illegal in it. Giving wrong information could be illegal but it is not illegal to refuse to give information, he said.

Bhim Army’s legal advisor Mehmood Pracha urged foreign media agencies to report about the protests taking place at Shaheen Bagh where elderly women are sitting on dharna in chilling cold.

Mehmood Pracha told the rich people not to be in fool’s paradise thinking that they will get place in the NRC by giving some bribe or any other way. He said they are the first target because after stripping citizenship rights their properties will be snatched away. So he asked them to come forward to protest against the draconian law.

Mr Pracha asked the protestors to pray for the release of all protestors who are in jail including Bhim Army chief Chandrashekhar Azad. He asked the protestors to read the preamble of the constitution every one hour.

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