By Yaqoob Murtaza 

History is a witness to the fact that throughout the history the women were a subjected lot in a society which was predominantly male dominated. Though the level of discrimination varied from civilization to civilization or from religion to religion but what was common to all was the notion that women is incapable of doing anything substantial. Although Islam tried to ameliorate the worsening condition of women – in a society where they were not even considered equal to goods- by giving what was earlier denied to them and it was clearly a revolutionary step of Islam and the whole credit goes to it, but the male followers of Islam still seem to carry along the patriarchal and misogynistic attitude towards their women folk.

Although this prejudice towards women is not just confined to the Muslim society and engulfs the males of every other society or culture but the Muslims, despite the teachings of favourable treatment to women in Islam, are yet to shun their patriarchal mind setup. As a consequence of this understanding, Muslim women could not exploit the talents and abilities which they are blessed with. As such they often remained dependent on their male members of the family.

The women were often denied equal opportunities in the field of education, employment and other fields of social activity which ultimately made them dependent and deprived. The male dominated society often set the sphere of activity for women which they are expected to involve in. They are expected to take care of children, household, obey their husbands and preserve their own chastity as “a woman is an honour of the family”.

Thus, the male society wants them to remain content within the four walls of the house. This not only exclude them from main stream social activities but increases a feeling of inferiority, vulnerability and dependency among women. In addition to this, a perception emerges among them which makes them feel unable to take part in social activities and unconcerned about constitutional, social, political and economic issues of the country. In this way they are being deprived of their social, religious and constitutional rights which compels them to live a life under social difficulties or cultural barriers.

However, due to the situation which engulfed the country after passing of unconstitutional CAA, the Muslim women are showing their abilities and are taking lead in ongoing protest in various cities of India particularly in Shaheen Bagh of Delhi. They have proven that they can play their role as caretakers, as educators, as housewives and finally as social activists. This is clearly a strong slap on the face of so-called Muslim leaders who never believed in their role and permit them to avail their social, political and educational rights.

The present protest against CAA, NRC and NPR has completed one and half month and more than 40 Shaheen Bagh like protests have emerged across the country in the support of anti-CAA protest at the places like Clock Tower (Ghanta Ghar) in Lucknow, in Kanpur, in Patna, in Darbhanga, in Aligarh and at many other places. They defeated male gender in courage, in perseverance and in active participation. They proved that they are not weaker section of society and how can they be weak? while they give birth to the same male gender who considers them unequal. They are very strong. They discharge their duties of house and then go to become the part of ongoing protest. Their active participation has been appreciated on global level and their contribution has been written in the history and now has become an undeniable part of that.In ongoing protest, women have shown their arts and skills.

Some of them writing poetry, others raising the slogans of Inquilab Zindabad and Azadi form discrimination, casteism, poverty, harassment, polarization, unemployment, bloodthirsty mob, hatred on religious ground etc. Some of them are delivering speeches and others are making handicrafts. In short, when the matter comes to protect the constitution, its objects, and to save India’s unity in its diverse cultures, then they are showing their hidden talents in various forms and they are very excited to do such type of activities. Most courageous thing is that some breastfeeding women with their little babies are taking part in this protest.

Hundred and thousand salutes for such courageous mothers and their sacrifices are worthy for appreciation.Unanimously, it can be agreed upon that the women have proven their exceptional talent and extraordinary courage.Therefore, this is the call of time not to confine Muslim girls only for religious education -as it is the mentality of most of the patriarchal male dominated Muslim society- but to provide them opportunities along with male members of the society in the fields of scientific education as well as arts & social sciences, so that they can play their vital role and make significant contribution to their community and nation as well.

Why we always expect that only men can do courageous works? Women can also do the same thing. They are integral part of any nation particularly whose central role in any society ensures stability, progress, socialization, transformation, and long-term development for nation, but the real matter is depending on our faith and trust that how much importance we give to this gender and how much we believe in their talent and skills?

They are half of our population and increasingly an integral part of our society, so we should not discriminate among children on the basis of gender but should make sure their participation in all fields. A woman can do what a man can never do that and she can play central role in some fields.The role of women is at front of the chain of improvement, leading the community’s long-term capacity and nation’s long-term development and its transformation towards equitable India. If we do not want to face such type of struggle again and again in our life and want to leverage our plight then the only solution is to educate our children without discriminating between a boy and a girl and to make them aware of what is happening across the world specifically in our country. Additionally, we should make ourselves aware of the provisions guaranteed in the constitution as well as to educate our generation too about the constitution of India. This is the ultimate solution to improve our political, social, educational and economic condition and to balance our present social status and finally to strengthen our roots in the country.

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