There’s never a dull moment in the life of those belonging to India’s richest family with the camera constantly chasing the members of the third generation Ambanis. While the sons and the daughter of Mukesh and Nita Ambani always drew Mumbai’s paparazzi brigade towards them, this craze has only gained momentum after Akash Ambani and Isha Ambani got married to Shloka Mehta and Anand Piramal respectively. Now, a gym photo of Akash and his twin sister Isha has gone viral on social media with fans drooling over the latter’s resemblance with mother Nita Ambani. Some intrepid fans mustered the courage to advise Akash to lose weight.

Shloka Mehta

In the photo, shared by one of the fan pages of the Ambanis, Akash and Isha could be seen posing for the camera from inside a gym with their fitness instructor. While Akash sported a white T-shirt, shorts and a pair of white shoes, Isha opted for a grey T-shirt bearing ‘Stanford University’, matching track bottom and a pair of blue sports shoes.

No sooner was the photo shared on Instagram, fans’ response began to pour in thick and fast with some appreciating the fitness of Isha while others simply detecting a resemblance in her looks with mother Nita Ambani. One wrote, “Isha Ambani is so much like her mother Nita Ambani.” Another commented, “Health is wealth.” One fan had a piece of advice for Akash on his fitness as he wrote, “Akash u hv put on weight try to reduce u hv to in a very long way.”

Not many know that both Isha and Akash were IVF babies. Soon after her marriage, Isha had appeared on the cover of Vogue magazine. Speaking to the magazine, she had made a startling revelation about herself and brother Akash. She had said, “My parents had us after seven years of marriage, my twin Akash and I were IVF babies. When my mother finally had us, she wanted to be a full-time mum initially. Later, she went back to work when we were five, but she was still a tiger mom.”

Isha got married to Anand Piramal in December 2018, while brother Akash tied the knot with Shloka Mehta in March this year. Daughter of billionaire diamond merchant Russel Mehta, Shloka is celebrating her first Valentine’s Day with Akash this year.

So much like mother Nita Ambani: Fans drool over viral gym photo of Akash and Isha Ambani, advise Shloka Mehta’s husband to lose weight
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