Bengali actress Subhadra Mukherjee, who joined the BJP in 2013, has resigned from the saffron party, on the recent Delhi carnage saying that she did not wish to be a part of the same political outfit which had hatemongers such as Anurag Thakur and Kapil Mishra.
Both Thakur and Mishra were accused of making communally provocative speeches before the Indian national capital went up in flames claiming at least 42 lives.
“Look at what happened in Delhi. So many people were killed and so many houses were set on fire. The riot has divided the people. No one is taking any action against party leaders like Anurag Thakur and Kapil Mishra for hate speech. What is going on? The visuals of the riot have shaken me completely. I thought I should not be in a party which is selective in taking action against its own party leaders,” she was quoted by News18.
She said that she had joined the BJP in 2013 with ‘a lot of hope and optimism.’ Speaking to reporters in Kolkata on Saturday, she said, “But, the recent violence in Delhi, the growing atmosphere of hatred and violence, made me feel disturbed.”
According to news agency PTI, Mukherjee has already sent in her resignation letter to the BJP state unit president Dilip Ghosh. She said, “Why should brothers cut each other’s throats in the name of religion? I was disturbed after hearing the news of deaths of over 40 people.”
The BJP, which is making desperate attempts to make inroads in Bengal, has hoped that she will reconsider her decision.
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