Days after dropping Khan from her surname and removing the reference to Kashmiri daughter-in-law from her Instagram profile, IAS topper Tina Dabi Khan, has shared an emotional post with a throwback photo saying that she missed her Mom during the coronavirus outbreak. Tina, who’s currently posted in Bhilwara, said that she hoped to be reunited with her mother soon in Delhi.
Tina wrote, “You all know the situation in Bhilwara district regarding the coronavirus outbreak.. I am part of the district administration who is trying its best to control the situation. And in these trying circumstances, on a personal level, I miss my mom . Sharing a picture of me with her when I was less than a year old. Hoping that I get to meet her soon in Delhi ”
Bhilwara, where Tina is currently posted as the SDM, has become the coronavirus hotspot in Rajasthan. Most of the 93 cases reported from Rajasthan have come from Bhilwara. A report by The Hindu newspaper earlier reported how the city had also reported two deaths due to coronavirus. Although the union health ministry has not included these two deaths in its state-wise chart.
Tina recently trended on the internet after it was reported that she had dropped Khan from her surname and removed the reference to Kashmiri bahu from her Instagram bio, which currently reads, “This is a personal account. Currently posted as SDM Bhilwara, Rajasthan.”
Tina had topped the prestigious UPSC exams in 2016, while Athar had secured the all India number two position. Both fell in love with each other during the training before tying the knot in 2018. Several top names from the Indian politics including Vice President Venkaiah Naidu had attended their wedding reception in Delhi.
Both IAS topper Tina Dabi and Athar are hugely popular with considerably large fan base on social media. Tina has in excess of half a million followers on Instagram alone while Athar’s number of followers stands at 2.60 lakh. Athar was a relatively late entrant to Instagram.
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